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Parent Association Meeting

Enter meeting through library door (to the left of the main school entrance).


  1. Introductions 

  2. Minutes Approval 

  3. Staff Update - Dr. McKay, Ms. Slaven

  4. PRESIDENT  (Jenn Burnham) - Directory, Areas of Help Needed

  5. SECRETARY (Katie Street) - Flyer to parents

  6. TREASURY  (Stacey Levato) - Budget update

  7. ENRICHMENT  (Danielle Cataurano)- Future of enrichments 

  8. SOCIAL (Erin Carlson & Suzanne Burnham) - Square1 Art, October Event/Boo Bash, Upcoming events, Monthly teacher goodies

  9. FUNDRAISING (Jill Libby) - Birthday sign, Apparel sale, Pies, Holiday Shoppe, Startup Fund, Fall Fundraiser

  10. COMMUNICATIONS (Theresa Colarusso) - update and feedback on website, newsletter help

  11. Questions/Comments

September 14

Virtual Parents Night

September 25

Mrs. String's Birthday