THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Because of your generosity we SURPASSED our goal! Together, we raised a total of $50,200!!

Fun Run FAQs

We're getting SO excited for our JT Hood School Fun Run on 11/22! We wanted to answer a few FAQs!

Why are we hosting this Fun Run?

To raise much-needed funds for our school and to host a fun, inclusive, camaraderie-building event for the kids. Our fundraising efforts will support our new Playground Project.

How can I register my child?

Registration is open at this link: Boosterthon

What if I am unable to donate?

That's ok! This is an inclusive event for the entire school population. And remember that SHARING is supporting!

Where will the run be held?

At the JT Hood School! We will set up multiple "tracks" on the field for each grade to run!

When will the run take place?

The Fun Run itself will take place the morning of Wednesday, November 22 (specific start times for each grade will be shared as we get closer to the event). The Fun Run Campaign will begin on 11/15.

What does the campaign entail?

The campaign will include fun contests and character-building activities and videos. The Hood teachers and staff are excited about this event and will be keeping the motivation going throughout the campaign week and on the day of the event!

Can families watch the run?

YES! Families will be able to attend the morning of the run, and we will have fun accessories for cheering on our kids.

Will there be prizes for most funds raised?

Yes! We will have prizes throughout the week (starting 11/13) for reaching certain fundraising thresholds, as well as prizes for the class that raises the most, individuals that raise the most, and prizes for all of the students for hitting school-wide goals. Stay tuned for more!

What is the best way to fundraise?

Share share share! Share your child's link on your social media or with your email list. Family and friends will love the opportunity to support the Hood School students in their life!

Please let us know if you have any additional questions!