2024 January
Minutes for JT Hood Parents’ Association Meeting
Wednesday, January 17, 2023 7:00 PM Hood School Library
2023-2024 PA Members in attendance
President: Jenn Burnham
Vice President: Mariann Arena
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson and Jen Cavanaugh
Enrichment: Stephanie DiPerna
Fundraising: Alisha Johnson
Communications: Stephanie Almonti
7:00PM Board Meeting Called to Order
11 people in attendance
President/Vice President – Jenn Burnham and Mariann Arena
Budget: Boosterthon was paid; Kimball Farm deposit was made for 5 th grade; need to confirm
date with 5 th grade committee
Playground Update: Turf is in; swings are scheduled for April; Wishlist items are an additional
$15,000 for equipment + $10,000 for benches and tables; Holding off on bricks until next year
so we don’t exhaust parents with fundraising asks
Social/Hospitality – Erin Carlson and Jen Cavanaugh
Half-day conference teacher lunch from Kouzina – very well received
Holiday coffee/cocoa cart was enjoyed by the teachers
Working on upcoming free family events; might take winter off; Rob Surrette scheduled in May,
and possible playground event in June to celebrate its completion
PNO tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 23 with auction items available
Sweetheart Slush on February 14 – classroom schedule TBD
Enrichment: Stephanie DiPerna and Timmery Fitzpatrick
1 st Grade Discovery Museum scheduled for January 26
School-wide enrichment, Ned’s Mindset Mission, scheduled for February 5
School-wide enrichment scheduled for April 11
Family enrichment/event, Rob Surrette scheduled for May 31
Ultimate Game Show being scheduled in June with a new DJ
Fundraising: Alisha Johnson and Rachel Cheng
Holiday Shop raised $3500; inventory for next year was conducted; we’re in a good position for
next year’s shop
Going to table cookie fundraiser to avoid asking parents to sell/buy
Communications: Stephanie Alimonti, Stephanie Reynolds, Jess Roden
Continue to send the team anything we need posted or highlighted for the school community
September 2023
Minutes for JT Hood Parent’s Association Meeting -
Wednesday September 20th, 2023 7:00PM
Hood School library
2023 - 2024 PA Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Vice President - Marriane Arena
Secretary: Katie Street
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson & Jen Cavanaugh
Treasuerer: Tommy Fiorentino
Enrichment: Timmery Fitzpatrick and Stephanie DiPerna
Fundraising: Rachel Cheng and Alisha Johnson
Communications: Steph Alimonti, Jessica Roden, & Stephanie Reynolds
7:02 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
34 people in attendance
Staff update: Dr McKay & Sarah Liekweg
Live line drop off needs to be addressed
75 more students than usual in the building this year. Mostly 1st grade, otherwise scattered
Smooth opening, even through the heat
State percentile ranking came out - 93rd percentile
President/Vice President - Jenn Burnham & Mariann Arena
Playground update
old is set to come out next week and grading will happen
Delivery of new playground is mid October
No playground for a couple of weeks - ground needs to settle before new playground goes in
Idea is to have kids sign one piece of old playgournd and keep it
Phase 1 (main structure) is funded
Phase 2 (additional structures) still need funds
Different sponsor levels
Bricks is one sponsorship - still looking into companies - will start selling in February
Treasurer - Tommy Fiorentino
Budget Report
Starting budget in August $29K
$1K removed for 5th grade fund, put in a new bank account
$2K fun run deposit
$500 deposited from Nick’s place doantion
$25K in funds right now
Playground update - Corporate Sponsorships
2 confirmed, Nicks and China Cuisine
Reading Co-Op bank has confirmed - they will outbid all banks
Cummings Property - will donate $2,000
Dunkin Donuts plans to make a donation
Kitty’s plans to donate
Fundraising: Rachel Cheng & Alisha Johnson
Spirit Sale: open until 10/20 - so far raised $200
Fun Run: meeting with Meg to nail down fun run plans
Kick off 11/13
Using Boosterthon again
Pies: pies in fall and cookie in spring
Holiday Shop: Jill libby offered to chair
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson & Jen Cavanaugh
Teacher breakfast - first week of school
K popsicle social - handed out PA collateral and provided ready confetti
Sip sip hooray - K parents social in library
9/11 event - goodies dropped off at NRPD & NRFD
Can we submit to transcript?
Up Next:
Pizza and Ice cream social (9/21)
Boo Bash - lead by Timmery Fitzpatrick
Looking for Commitee
Scheduled for 10/27 @ IRP - rain date 10/29
Trying to add additional activities
Snacks and waters will be provided
Trying to make a free event
4:30 - 6 - Sensory sensitive familes welcome to come at 4
Parents Night Out in November
December Take a tag
Custodial Appreciation Day - PA will put something together for them
Enrichment: Timmery Fitzpatrick & Steph Diperna
Rob Surette - spring event, potentially have at night and make it free
Survey for teachers - going to ask what they prefer
Communications: Steph Alimonti, Jessica Roden, & Stephanie Reynolds
Newsletter - constantly sent out, monthly cadence
Highlight previous month and what’s to come
Impact report created by Stephanie Reynolds
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 10/18/23 @ 10/7PM - Hood school library
Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 PM
Minutes for JT Hood Parent’s Association Meeting
Wednesday, October 10th, 2022 @ 7:00PM
Hood School Library
2022 - 2023 PA Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Secretary: Katie Street
Communications: Theresa Colarusso, Stephanie Alimonti
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson
Fundraising: Jill Libby
Enrichment: Timmery Fitzpatrick, Marianne Arena
Treasury: Stacey Levato
● 7:02 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
● Previous minutes approved by Theresa Calorusso, Stacey Levato 2nd motion
● 4 people in attendance other than board members
○ Lauren Lee, Stephanie Palmer, Stephanie DiPerna, Christine Fiorentino
Dr. McKay (Staff Update)
-Third and first grade confirmed some enrichment stuff, communicated by Mrs Liekweg
-Upcoming STEAM night. PA asked to provide $100 to fill in gap for things needed.
Approved by board, do not need to vote on that amount
-Picture Day, Fun Run, Sunshine Day and STEAM night coming up
-Sunshine day, kids wear yellow
-Starbucks manager going to be community rep for school council
-93rd percentile for school report card – only 48 schools above us in the state
President - Jenn Burnham:
Fun run
o Profit of $47K last year
o Will keep 75% of profit, negotiated by
o Participation last year had 87%
o Two logos made to use on branded items and social media
o Prizes going to change this year, with more branded items
o Top winners will get sweatshirts
o Goal this year is to raise $25K – hoping to make exceed
o Fun run committee – week of November 7th
Social/Hospitality - Erin Carlson:
Trivia Night – successful event with fun had by parents and teachers
o $2,600 raised
- Pizza Ice Cream Social – successful fun night for families
- Take-a-tag will be coming up around the holidays
- Halloween Treat for teachers
- Boo Bash – Timmery heading everything up. Volunteers needed
Enrichment - Timmery Fitzpatrick, Marianne Arena
-Unique game show booked for June 12th
- Targeting March for Rob Surrette – going to do one show for all students
Fundraising - Jilly Libby:
- Pies just finished up, still calculating profits. Getting delivered the Tuesday before
- Apparel Sale – shipped out yesterday, 10/18
- Next up: Holiday Shop
- Announcing fun run, playground, etc – newsletter going out
- Majority of next updates will be about fun run
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 PM
Next Meeting: Thursday, 11/17/22 @ 7PM - Hood school library
DescriptioMinutes for JT Hood Parent’s Association Meeting
Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 7:00PM
Hood School Library
2022 - 2023 PA Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Secretary: Katie Street
Communications: Theresa Colaurusso & Stephanie Alimonti
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson
Fundairsing: Jill Libby
Enrichment: Timmery Fitzpatrick
7:06 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
9 people in attendance other than board members
Dr. McKay, Mrs. Liekweg, Gracielle Swanson, Jen Cavanaugh, Stephanie DiPerna, Casey Taylor, Poonah Zomorodian, Sarah Tavares, & Gina Moran
Dr. McKay (Staff Update)
Smooth school opening, very pleased with how the year kicked off
Mrs Liekweg will not be the teacher liaison, taking Andrea Slaven’s role
Looking for school council members
Stephanie Alimonti volunteered to take on the two year term
President - Jenn Burnham:
Looking for someone to head the playground project, big focus of the year
Social/Hospitality - Erin Carlson:
Back to school staff breakfast & Kindergarten parents welcome
Both successful events where everyone was pleased.
One thing to note, teachers did not drink much of the coffee provided
Pizza & Ice cream social taking place on 9/27
Still looking for volunteers
Around 350 people replied yes so far
School Custodian Day (9/30)
Thank you gifts will be given to both custodians, Jimmy & Joe, to show appreciation from the Hood School
Trivia Night at the Moose (10/14)
Volunteers and committee still being formed
DJ has been hired, trivia process is all electronic
6:30 tp 10:30. Trivia starts at 7:30
$25/person - can sign up individually or as a team
Lottery bouquet for winners (3 rounds)
Silent auction and live auction items still need to be worked out
Boo Bash
9/28 at Ipswhich River Park - rain date of 9/30
4:00 - 5:30/6 - sensory sensitive families are welcome to come early
DJ booked
Looking for chair person
Enrichment - Timmery Fitzpatrick:
Both Timmery & Marianne are working with Suzanne & Danielle (previous enrichment co-chairs) to understand process
Rob Surette & Ultimate Game Show already being looked into
Fundraising - Jilly Libby:
Apparel Sale - going on right now, store open for two weeks with orders coming in mid October
Pie & Cookie sale is being kicked off for Thanksgiving holiday
Fun Run - Meg Borkowski heading up event which will be taking place the day before Thanksgiving
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 10/19/22 @ 7PM - Hood school libraryn goes here
April 27, 2022
Minutes for JT Hood Parent’s Association Meeting - Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 7:00PM
2021 - 2022 PA Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Treasurer: Stacey Levato
Secretary: Katie Street
Communications: Theresa Colaurusso
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson/Suzanne Burnham
7:05 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
9 people in attendance
Motion to approve 3/9/22 minutes - Stacey L. 1st, Erin C. 2nd, Unanimous approval
Dr. McKay (Staff Update)
Rob Surrete painting needs to be paid for. $400 - framed copy, and $225 for unframed
Mrs String Retirement: granite bench which is around $900. Sunshine club would donate some money and so wouldn’t McKay, asking the PA to donate the remainder.
Outside school ceremony on June 17th - kids will sing song and dedicate bench
Field day is June 15th, rain date is 16th - Mr. Quinlan will be heading it up
Playground committee - nothing has been started yet. Need to look into grants
President - Jenn Burnham:
Parents night out - successful night overall.Next year - book somewhere bigger
Birthday Sign - should stop when school ends. Should continue next year
Mom’s Village - Cindy offered to do a free class for 20 people, possibly May 10th
Treasurer - Stacey Levato:
$79K in bank - after allocations, $61K available
5th grade has $1,800 in bank
Fun run donations still coming in for corporate match
Teacher stipends - allocated $4,500. Stacey to coordinate with Andrea
Social/Hospitality - Erin & Suzanne:
Teacher appreciation week coming up
Monday: bulletin board being set up - flowers and plants being set up
Tuesday: snacks delivered to each classroom,
Wednesday: Doing breakfast (Katie to make sign)
Thursday: Cinco de Mayo - chipotle/chips/salsa/guac spread (Katie to make sign)
Friday: lunch - sandwiches coming from Bagel World (Katie to make sign)
Mrs String retirement - doing flowers and gift card possibly, will decide after bench is determined
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 5/18/22 @ 7PM - Hood school library
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM
MARCH 9, 2022
FEBRUARY 9, 2022
2021 - 2022 PA Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Treasurer: Stacey Levato
Secretary: Katie Street
Communications: Theresa Colaurusso
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson/Suzanne Burnham
Enrichment: Danielle Caturano
Fundraising: Jill Libby
7:01 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
22 people in attendance, including board members and folks using virtual link
Motion to approve 11/17/22 minutes - Erin C. 1st, Theresa C. 2nd, Unanimous approval
Dr. McKay/Mrs. Crosby (Staff Update)
Mrs. Crosby, head of the reading program, presented on a recent group study
11 teachers were recently involved in a group study, learning about the science of reading, and creating a balanced literacy classroom
The study helped validate practices already in play, and brought to light some changes that have already been made based on their learnings, as well as changes that could be made in the future
The book read during the group study was “Shifting the Balance”
Dr. McKay provided update on masks and how students will continue to eat at lunch, maintaining diagonal seats while being able to sit where you can
President - Jenn Burnham:
directory update - not going out this year. Took to long to get together. Looking for a better opt-in process next. Possibly checking in with Daniel Downs, head of NR IT, to help with the process
Fun run - principal of the day winners still need to be coordinated. Overall successful event where we learned some things we can change next year, such as the prize process. $66K raised before corporate matches, with around $40K in total profit. November 23rd is booked for next year already.
Valentine’s day - sweetheart slush to be delivered to the student’s classroom. Ordered slush through the cafeteria to ensure its allergy safe
Adult social event night: looking into Horseshoe and Brewery
Treasurer - Stacey Levato:
$58,345 is balance through December, still some outstanding checks that need to be cashed from fun run
Enrichment - Danielle Caturano:
Continuing to work with teachers to get enrichment programs on the calendar. Hasn’t been easy to find ones that are not completely virtual
Social/Hospitality - Erin & Suzanne:
On valentine’s day teachers will receive candy & flowers, and all staff will be entered to win a raffle prize of an Amazon gift card, bouquet of flowers, and chocolate. Kids are receiving “sweetheart slush” which will be delivered to their classroom
Nurse appreciation day discussed
Was decided to honor the nurses on the covid staff with some gifts showing the school's appreciation. Theresa C. is heading up gathering gifts, which will be delivered on the first day of returning to school after February vacation. No mask day!
End of year social ideas talked about. Usually kick off the school year with one, which didn’t happen this year. Hope is to have something outside for all families to come
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 3/9/22 @ 7PM - Hood school library
Meeting Adjourned at 8:17 PM
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
2021 - 2022 PA Board Members in attendance
President - Jenn Burnham
Treasurer: Stacey Levato
Secretary: Katie Street
Communications: Theresa Colaurusso
Social/Hospitality: Erin Carlson & Suzzane Burnham
Fundraising: Jill Libby
Enrichment: Danielle Caturano
- 7:07 PM Board Meeting Called to Order
-26 people in attendance, including board members
-Motion to approve 8/18/21 minutes - Danielle 1st, Stacy 2nd, Unanimous approval
Dr. McKay/Ms. Slaven (Staff Update)
Goals for ‘21-’22: Teaching & learning goal being aligned between teachers & districts
New staff members announced - including art, special ed, and student teachers
Yale data discussed - was analyzed to see where kids’ strengths and weaknesses are
PE is back in the gym, art has its own room, and students can now sit together at a table - great news!
Curriculum Specialists will be coming to PA meetings to give updates
Eureka Math - run by miss Slaven. In district from K-5. Provided updates on the program. “I Do - We do - You Do”
President (Jenn Burnham):
Directory update, only 88 responses so far. Need more involvement and someone to help put together directory booklet
Lots of opportunity to volunteer this year in different areas and will be reaching out to people that have expressed interest
Treasurer (Stacey Levato):
$33,426.40 account balance after allocations
Two teacher stipends are still not cashed
Still in need of an accountant to help file taxes by November 15th deadline. Trying to find someone new to save money.
$8,000 has been allocated for enrichment for the year
Enrichment (Danielle Caturano):
Provided overall update on what enrichment programs are in general with examples.
Given greenlight by Dr. McKay to start working with the teachers to see what types of enrichment programs can be brought in that align with their curriculum.
Secretary (Katie Street):
Working on informational sheet that covers ongoing fundraisers throughout the year
Amazon Smile, Shutterfly, & Box Tops
Looking for help with flyers going forward if anyone has a graphic design background
Fundraising (Jill Libby):
Birthday Lawn Sign - Fundraising is getting kicked off this week with information flyer going home to families. The Happy Birthday lawn sign can be rented for $30 and a PA member will come and set it up for the day requested. All requests can be made through a Google Form, which will be managed by Katelyn Stevens
Apparel sale - now live through 9/29
Pies/Cookies - Fundraiser will kick off at the end of October. Pies are delivered around Thanksgiving and it’s typically a very profitable fundraiser
Holiday Shop: Going back to purchasing own products. Shop will kick off around the holidays with items at $2 each
Fall Fundraiser - Possibility of a fun run during school hours. On hold for now while more research is being done
Communications (Theresa Colarusso):
New website is up and running!
Help wanted section will be added highlighting where volunteering needs are
Looking into adding an ecommerce option where transaction can happen right on site
Assistance with social media functions in general are needed if there is anyone with background or willingness to help out, it would be appreciated!
Social/Hospitality (Erin Carlson & Suzanne Burnham):
Square 1 Art (Suzanne) - hoping to find someone to volunteer to help and take over. This person would work with the art teacher to set up the program
Welcome back breakfast was provided to the teachers the first week of school
Sip, Sip, Hooray went smoothly with the kindergarten parents on their first day of school
September 11th thank you gift was delivered to the NR Police and Fire stations. Snacks were provided so they could be shared between shifts
Goodies will be delivered to Mrs. String on her birthday (9/25)
October 2nd is national Custodian Day and the PA will be recognizing the Hood School custodians with a little gift
Meeting Adjourned at 8:37 PM