Visit this page frequently to see our ongoing and latest fundraisers. Questions about fundraising or have a fundraiser suggestion? Email Fundraising at
Current Fundraising Programs
Click here to be taken to the Spirit Store, place your orders for Spring!
Year-round fundraising
Donations/Starter Fund
If you would like to make a direct donation to the PA simply send your contribution, addressed to the Hood PA, in your child's backpack!
Every bit is meaningful and all Hood School kids benefit!
Prefer to mail a check payable to the JT Hood PA:
J.T. Hood Elementary School
Attention PA Start-up Fund
298 Haverhill Street
North Reading, MA 01864
Our events are focused on bringing families, friends, and our Hood community together.
Some past events:
Boo Bash
Candy Bingo
Music Bingo
Kindergarten Social
Sip Sip Hooray Kindergarten Parent Welcome